Приглашаем детей от 4,5 до 6 лет на АРТ уроки. Каждая сессия состоит из четырех занятий: два занятия по рисованию и два занятия по лепке. На этих уроках ребята сделают первые шаги в мире изобразительного творчества: научатся смешивать и набирать на кисточку краски и ориентироваться в пространстве листа, познакомятся с понятиями "тень", "свет", "блик" и построением форм. На уроках лепки дети разовьют моторику обеих рук, научатся мыслить и воплощать свои идеи в обьеме. Шаг за шагом дети будут знакомиться и погружаться в мир законов отображения предметов и обьектов. Обучение основано на авторской программе школы ДваТритона. Для регистрации на эти программу достаточно купить билет на всю сессию (4 занятия), ознакомиться с нашими правилами Policy и подписать Waiver. Занятия на русском языке

  • Date:10/29/2024 05:00 PM - 10/29/2024 06:00 PM
  • Location 1028 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove, IL, USA (Map)



Yula Creative Club


  • Each session is paid in full before the start of the first lesson. You may lose reservation if there is no advance payment.
  •  Registration may be made online: www.yulaclub.com
  • NO registration and art supplies fee!
  • Yula Creative Club provides an opportunity to attend a Try Out class for any program before signing up for the entire session. Tuition for this class is $20 - $35 depending on the program.
  • NO REFUNDS FOR CLASSES. However, Yula Creative Club provides an opportunity to make up two classes missed per one session for any reason:

  • For program PAINTING plus MODELING LESSONS student has an opportunity to attend another similar class for ONE missing class or one WORKSHOP (CRAFTING CLASS) for TWO missing classes.
  • For programs WORKSHOPS/CRAFTING LESSONS and MOLDING ON SUTURDAYS student has an opportunity to attend another similar for ONE missing class or one day in ART CAMP for TWO missing classes.

  • All missed lessons must be completed by the end of the current academic year. These lessons will not be rescheduled for the next academic year.
  • All make-up classes are held only in vacant places and by prior arrangement with the teacher.
  • The presence of parents in the room during the lesson is not allowed, except for WORKSHOPS and CRAFTING LESSONS.
  • Yula Creative Club is not responsible for students before or after class time, or between classes. Repeated lateness may lead to the charge fee of $15 per each 15 minutes.
  • Yula Creative Club is not responsible for soiled or damaged clothes, accessories, or items brought with them. We work a lot with paint, glue, scissors and other soiling materials, which requires wearing clothes that are not a pity to spoil.
  • Yula Creative Club is not responsible for any artwork or personal items lost, stolen or left in the studio or classroom. All lost items will be kept only for two weeks.
  • Yula Creative Club reserves the right to expel any student or parent who does not comply with our rules and regulations, has behavioral violations, or engages in any activity contrary to the goals of our studio.